The Township of Lucan Biddulph looks for engaged citizens to participate on several boards and committees. Our boards and committees are comprised of various Township residents, Township Staff, and/or members of Council. Membership of Boards and Committees is renewed every four years, with the change of Council. Details of these committees are outlined below. Please contact the Township Clerk for more information regarding committees at 519-227-4491.
To view agendas and minutes for any meeting, please search the Township Meetings Calendar. Should you require a copy of a Council or Committee document, or would like to request a document in an alternate format, please contact the Township Clerk.
Fire Boards
Biddulph-Blanshard Fire Board
The Biddulph-Blanshard Fire Board is a joint board of the Township of Lucan Biddulph and Perth South, which operates the Biddulph-Blanshard Fire Department located in Granton.
The Board, which is represented by two members of Council from each municipality and one public appointee governs the Biddulph-Blanshard Fire Department. This is a volunteer department consisting of a Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Captains and firefighters.
The Biddulph-Blanshard Fire Board meets twice a year, typically in March and November.
Lucan Biddulph Fire Board
The Lucan Biddulph Fire Board operates the Lucan Biddulph Fire Department located in Lucan.
The Board, which is represented by two members of Council and one public appointee governs the Lucan Biddulph Fire Department. This is a volunteer department consisting of a Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Captains and firefighters.
The Lucan Biddulph Fire Board meets twice a year, typically in March and November.
Community Economic Development Committee
The Community Economic Development Committee is a committee of the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph and their mission is to engage the residents, business owners, and government of this rural municipality to enhance the overall populations’ quality of life by supporting and coordinating community development projects, by facilitating business growth and by creating new opportunities to strive for a more dynamic, well rounded and sustainable community.
The CEDC was established by the Township of Lucan Biddulph's Council in 2006. The Committee consists of Council representation, Municipal Staff, business leaders and community volunteers.
This Committee meets quarterly and is responsible for the Community Improvement Grant Program and promotion of local businesses and the Lucan Biddulph community.
The Terms of Reference can be viewed here: Terms of Reference
Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee advises and assists the Township in promoting parks and recreation-based activities, in identifying capital requirements and provide direction in terms of parks and recreation programs and services within the department.
The Committee is composed of two members of Council, two members of staff and six to eight members of the public.
The Terms of Reference for the Parks and Recreation Committee can be viewed here:
PRAC – Youth Advisory Subcommittee
The PRAC - Youth Advisory Subcommittee provides a meaningful and constructive voice for the youth of Lucan Biddulph, while advising the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) on important social, recreational, and lifestyle issues concerning the municipality’s younger population and addressing their needs in regards to parks, recreation and programming.
Applications are now open! See bottom of page.
The Terms of Reference for the Youth Advisory Subcommittee can be viewed here.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee makes recommendations to Council on matters associated with review of budget documents prior to presentation to Council.
The Committee is composed of two members of Council and five members of staff.
The Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee can be viewed here:
Committee Vacancies & Applications
Council appoints members of the community to the various advisory committees listed above.
Applications for the Youth Advisory Subcommittee are NOW OPEN. Please contact Abby at @email for more information or click the link above to apply.