Five Year Official Plan Review
Every five years, municipalities are required by Ontario’s Planning Act to conduct an Official Plan Review to ensure it:
- Conforms with provincial plans or does not conflict with them
- Has regard to the matters of provincial interest
- Is consistent with the provincial policy statement
- Conforms with the County of Middlesex Official Plan
This Review is a municipal-wide initiative and affects all lands within the jurisdiction of the Township of Lucan Biddulph.
What is an Official Plan
It is a statement of goals, objectives, and policies to guide and manage land use, development, and growth in the Township of Lucan Biddulph for the next 25 years from 2021-2046. It applies to all lands within the jurisdiction of the Township being an important tool to ensure growth is appropriately managed by protecting and managing resources including agricultural land and natural areas as well as guiding development and redevelopment opportunities in conjunction with municipal infrastructure. It also forms the basis for zoning and other land use controls.
The Township’s current Official Plan is available to download and review - Official Plan.
Take Part in the Process
There will be several opportunities for members of the public to share their thoughts and views on the current Official Plan through this Review. Below you will find information on how you can get involved now and what opportunities you will have to get involved in the coming months!
How do I attend future meetings?
Visit our YouTube channel during the special meeting to view a live stream of the proceedings. The video will also be available on this channel at the conclusion of the meeting.
How do I participate in future meetings?
You can email your comments to the Township's Deputy Clerk at @email ahead of a scheduled meeting.
You can also join a Zoom meeting via phone or video by emailing or calling the Deputy Clerk at 519-227-4491 or @email.
- When a meeting is posted, you are kindly asked to register as soon as possible to provide an orderly registration process and meeting.
Meetings & Reports
Upcoming Meetings:
Report to Council (April 5th, 2022)
Past Meetings:
Notice of Public Meeting - November 30, 2021
Draft Official Plan Amendment #10 - November 2021
Assessment of Potential Future Settlement Lands (Lucan) & Presentation June 2019 by BM Ross
Municipal Comprehensive Review Presentation- November 2020 by Findlater Associates
Municipal Comprehensive Review Report & Presentation - April 2021 by Findlater Associates
Phase 1: Project Initiation – Special Meeting of Council
Phase 2: Background Research
Phase 3: Draft Official Plan
Phase 4: Public Engagement
Phase 5: Finalize and Adopt Official Plan by Lucan Biddulph Council
Phase 6: Approval by Middlesex County Council
Resource Documents
Notice of Adoption Official Plan Amendment #10 Final Draft (May 2022)
Consultant's Report to Council (April 5, 2022) & Public Comments (Jan-March 25, 2022)
Township of Lucan Biddulph Official Plan
Township of Lucan Biddulph Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update
County of Middlesex Official Plan
Middlesex County Cycling Strategy
Middlesex Natural Heritage Systems Study (County of Middlesex)
Planning Act (Province of Ontario)
Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (Province of Ontario)
Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario’s Prime Agricultural Areas (Province of Ontario)
More Information
This webpage is intended to supplement the statutory notice and information requirements under the Planning Act. Should you have any questions regarding the Official Plan Review process or wish to offer comments, please contact:
Dan FitzGerald, MPL, MCIP, RPP
Planner, County of Middlesex