TAKE NOTICE that the Township of Lucan Biddulph has initiated a municipal comprehensive review of its Official Plan under Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act. The proposed amendment affects all lands within the Township of Lucan Biddulph.
November 30th, 2021 @ 6pm
You are invited to participate in a virtual public meeting in order to provide all stakeholders with an opportunity to make formal written and/or oral submissions on the proposed Official Plan Amendment, prior to Council consideration. The public meeting will be broadcast live – a link will be posted in the meeting agenda on the Township of Lucan Biddulph website.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health situation and related social distancing requirements, the public meeting will be held virtually. If you would like to participate in the public meeting, please provide your name and phone number to the Township by email to @email or by phone to 519-227-4491 ext. 23 no later than November 29, 2021 at 4:30PM.
Note: Comments on the Lucan Biddulph YouTube page utilized for the public to view council meetings will not be monitored or answered during/after the public meeting. They will also not be included as part of the public record and will not be considered in the decision.